Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

An important message to all Women’s Scan Room patients…

The health and safety of our patients and staff are our first priority. With the status of COVID-19 restrictions constantly changing within our community, we continue to review our practice with the aim of providing you with best and most comfortable ultrasound experience in the safest possible environment.

1.     Hand sanitisers available at the front desk and in consulting rooms.

2.    We wash and sanitise our hands between each patient as per routine practice.

3.    Ultrasound probe disinfected after every use as per routine practice. 

4.    Examination couches are disinfected after use.

There are a few simple measures that will help minimize spread:

1.      Please wear a face mask during your appointment for your protection

2.  Please re-schedule your appointment if you are unwell (fever, sore throat, persistent cough, runny nose and/or sneezing)

3.     Use hand sanitizer as an alternative if you have no access to a sink.

4.     You may now attend with one support person.

Thank you very much for your understanding. If you have further concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our staff.

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